Financial Planning - Independent Financial Advice - Investment & Wealth Management
We are a firm of Independent Financial Advisers (IFAs) and Wealth Managers based in Farningham, Kent from where we provide advice to clients across London and the South-East of England. Our work always starts with a comprehensive analysis of a client's financial position, leading on to a broad discussion about lifetime and financial goals. We deal with clients from all types of backgrounds but can add particular value in the following areas:
- Pension and Investment Advice - reviewing existing plans as well as arranging new products and portfolios
- Pension and Investment Fund Management - ongoing advice and management of pension and investment plans
- Retirement Planning - both pre and post retirement
- Significant Changes in Circumstances - for example, through ill-health, bereavement or through receiving an inheritance
- Inheritance Tax Planning - advice and solutions to mitigate Inheritance Tax
- Life & Health Insurance - review existing plans as well as advice on and implementation of products to provide a suitable level of financial protection
- General Financial Planning - including tax planning
We offer a half-hour first meeting free of charge to help us assess your situation in order to establish how we can best add value. We are also able to discuss our services and the costs involved at this free initial meeting, before any fees are agreed.
Meetings can be in person at our offices or by video (Teams, Zoom, etc) so please feel free to contact us to discuss how we might help you.
How To Find Us:
Please click the image above to be taken straight to our location on Google Maps. Alternatively, for more detail please click here.
Hear From Our Clients:

We pride ourselves on providing high quality service to our clients. To hear what some of our clients think, click here.
Ethical Investing:

Here at AWFM we offer clients the option of investing their money ethically. To find out more about Ethical Investments, click here.
Technical Information:

To read our 'Fact Files' on key financial products, planning issues and changes in legislation, click here.